Web app using Microservices in Go: Part 3 – Storage and Master

Previous part Introduction In this part we will implement the next part of the microservices needed for our web app. We will implement the: Storage system Master This way we will have the Master API ready when we’ll be writing the slaves/workers and the frontend. And we’ll already have the database, k/v store and storage when writing the master. SO every time we write something we’ll already have all its dependencies....

March 21, 2016 · 9 min · Jacob Martin

Web app using Microservices in Go: Part 2 – k/v store and Database

Previous part Introduction In this part we will implement part of the microservices needed for our web app. We will implement the: key-value store Database This will be a pretty code heavy tutorial so concentrate and have fun! The key-value store Design The design hasn’t changed much. We will save the key-value pairs as a global map, and create a global mutex for concurrent access. We’ll also add the ability to list all key-value pairs for debugging/analytical purposes....

March 16, 2016 · 11 min · Jacob Martin

Web app using Microservices in Go: Part 1 – Design

Introduction Recently it’s a constantly repeated buzzword – Microservices. You can love ’em or hate ’em, but you really shouldn’t ignore ’em. In this short series we’ll create a web app using a microservice architecture. We’ll try not to use 3rd party tools and libraries. Remember though that when creating a production web app it is highly recommended to use 3rd party libraries (even if only to save you time)....

March 14, 2016 · 5 min · Jacob Martin

Getting started with OAuth2 in Go

Introduction Authentication is usually a crucial part in any web app. You could always roll your own authentication mechanics if you wanted, however, this creates an additional barrier between the user and your web app: Registration. That’s why OAuth, and earlier OAuth2, was created. It makes it much more convenient to log in to your app, because the user can log in with one of the many accounts he already has....

February 29, 2016 · 5 min · Jacob Martin